This is a complete and self-contained course in modern medical terminology. It is suitable for all students of the health occupations who will have a need to communicate with physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals. Little prior knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology is required.
The free course does not track your progress and you will not receive any documentation for your participation. If you need a certificate to verify your completion of the course, please register first using the link below.
The Medical Library Association created this page to help you understand what a doctor or nurse tells you. You’ll find tips on how to understand many health words. The terms on this site were created with the help of the Working Group for Health Literacy, Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)
MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical reference for from doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 16,000 medical terms. Provides quick access to hard-to-spell and often misspelled medical definitions through an extensive alphabetical listing.
and guide to 21st century therapeutics, technologies and trends
Glossary last updated June 2015 5,000+ definitions
compiled by Mary Chitty, Library Director & taxonomist, Cambridge Healthtech Institute, Needham MA
This tutorial teaches you about medical words. You'll learn about how to put together parts of medical words. You'll also find quizzes to see what you've learned.
A list of word parts. They may be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a medical word. This appendix supplements the MedlinePlus Understanding Medical Words tutorial.