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College of Law
LAWC 443: International Criminal Law
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College of Law: LAWC 443: International Criminal Law
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LAWC102: International Human Rights Law
LAWC 443: International Criminal Law
Electronic Resources
War crimes and crimes against humanity in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court / Christine Byron
International criminal law / edited by M
War crimes and the conduct of hostilities: challenges to adjudication and investigation / edited by Fausto Pocar, Marco Pedrazzi and Micaela Frulli
The crime of aggression in international criminal law : historical development, comparative analysis and present state / Sergey Sayapin
Crimes against humanity: birth of a concept / Norman Geras
Hybrid tribunals : a comparative examination / Aaron Fichtelberg
جريمة الإبادة الجماعية في القانون الدولي = Genocide Crime in International Law / قيس محمد سليمان الرعود
Civil Societies Dealing With International Criminal Law
Institute for International Criminal Investigations
The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights
Coalition For The ICC
International Center for Transitional Justce
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
International Criminal Law Society
Human Rights Watch: International Justice Program
Other Useful Websites
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
International Crimes Database
Aegis Trust
Audiovisual Library of International Law
United Nations
International Committee of the Red Cross
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations office on Drugs and Crime
The International Law Commission
Scientific Research Publishing
Peace Palace Library.
The Hague Academy of International Law
The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Publication series - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher
Selected Books
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure.
Robert Cryer, Håkan Friman, Darryl Robinson, Elizabeth Wilmshurst.
Call Number: KZ7000 .I587 2015
International Criminal Law
Ilias Bantekas and Susan Nash.
Call Number: K5165 .B35 2007
Cassese's International Criminal Law
Cassese, Antonio; Gaeta, Paola
Call Number: K5000 .C37 2013
International Criminal Law Deskbook
John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker.
Call Number: K5013 .I58 2006
International Crimes and the ad hoc Tribunals
Guénaël Mettraux.
Call Number: K5301 .M48 2005
جرائم الحرب و جرائم العدوان
سهيل حسين الفتلاوي
Call Number: KZ7145 .F38 2011
المجرمون الدوليون : تسليم أم محاكمة؟
ميشا زونيك-روزيج، جوان فوكيس
Call Number: KZ7050 .Z4612 2014
الجرائم الدولية و التشريعات الوطنية و اختصاص المحكمة الدولية
حمدي رجب عطية
Call Number: KZ7139 .A85 2014
المحاكمات الجنائية الدولية لرؤساء الدول و الحكومات : محاكمات نورمبرج و طوكيو-محاكمات مجرمي الحرب العالمية الأولى و الثانية و غليوم الثاني-محاكمات سلوفودان ملوسفتش و كرازاد ديتش-محاكمات صدام حسين و عمر البشير و مبارك-المحكمة الجنائية الدولية و الجرائم الدو
الدكتور السيد أبو عطية
Call Number: K3338 .A28 2014
المسئولية السياسية و الجنائية لرئيس الدولة : دراسة مقارنة
دكتور محمد مرسي علي غنيم
Call Number: K3333 .G48 2013
محاكمة الرؤساء في القانون الدولي الجنائي
مازن ليلو راضي
Call Number: JF251 .R32 2011
Research Centers Dealing with International Criminal Law
Center for International Criminal Justice
The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law
Genocide Studies Program
Cox International Law Center
Course Syllabus
International Criminal Course Syllabus
Journal of International Criminal Law
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Genocide Studies and Prevention: an International Journal
International Journal of Transitional Justice
Harvard International Law Journal
Yale Journal of International Law
International Criminal Justice Review
International Criminal Law Books - PDFs
Understanding the ICC
The Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office
The War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina: From Hybrid to Domestic Court (2008)
Territorial Integrity in International Law – Its Concept and Implications for Crimea
A Concise History of International Criminal Law: Chapter 1 of International Criminal Law: Intersections & Contradictions
Individual Criminal Responsibility Andreas Gordon O'Shea
Websites Of International Or Hybrid Criminal courts And Tribunals
The International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
The Special Court for Sierra Leone
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (the Khmer Rouge Tribunal)
Kosovo Specialist Chambers & Specialist Prosecutor's Office
War Crimes Chamber in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Topical Stories
Statement to the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council Marzuki Darusman, Chair of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar
Human Rights Council Intersessional Panel Discussion to Mark the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect Populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity
Human Rights Council Intersessional Meeting on the Prevention of GenocideStatement by Nada Al-Nashif, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
Cambodia: Verdict against former Khmer Rouge head of state upheld as tribunal nears end
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity
LAWC102: International Human Rights Law
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